Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Media Mogul Thrives Off Propaganda

The advancement in technology has made the media more accessible to the public, enabling them to worm their way into the minds of the people nestling false information. The television and radio stations, newspaper and magazine publications and most importantly the internet, which not only can be accessed on a computer or laptop, but through a cellular device surrounds our generation.

The media can get to a person from anywhere at anytime literally following a person throughout his or her daily routine. Unfortunately, not everything a person reads or views is true; Not all news is newsworthy. Therefore, people should be very skeptical about the “news.” Sugar-coating reality or simply disregarding the truth of a matter is a crucial flaw in the world of journalism and the media.

Rupert Murdoch is a man that should be well known among society seeing how he owns 3/4 of the human population. Not literally, but owns people through his media properties. Far right conservative, Murdoch slipped into the industry in 1954 when he inherited his first newspaper company from his father. His mind control over the public began in 1985 when he purchased Behemoth 20th Century-Fox, a television station. In 1996 Murdoch created FOX News with Roger Ailes as the CEO who just so happened to formerly work as the media strategist for Republican Presidents Nixon, Reagan and Bush Sr.

Its ironic that FOX’s marketing slogan is “Fair and Balanced” seeing as how its anything but that. For those of you who haven’t noticed, FOX is a far right conservatively biased news station that has a zero news value. Murdoch uses propaganda to fuel his conservative perspective on to his viewers. It is a station in which to promote a point of view instead of a journalistically based news team.

FOX is one of the first news stations to disregard the art of journalism and turn to propaganda. According to the “OutFoxed” documentary, part of the FOX hierarchy, John Moody, writes up memos of the day which the “journalists” receive in the morning explaining what stories they can and cannot report, the point of view in which to report, the use of certain words over others and to edit clips of speeches to work in the favor of the republicans.

The “journalists” at FOX should be ashamed of themselves, allowing a right winged lunatic to play them like puppets. Not to mention, that they are making fools of themselves by feeding the public false information and conducting themselves in an unprofessional manner. Did you all forget about the oath of ethics? Since when is it okay for news anchors to forcefully argue with guests, cut them off mid sentence and most importantly tell them to shut up. Bill O’Reilly along with all the other anchors are guilty of this unethical behavior.

The documentary shows that Murdoch is convincing his “journalists” that what they are reporting is the truth. So much so that reporting has turned strictly to conservative opinion. Cleverly, slipping in a “some people say” into a story (which FOX tend to do ever so often) is a technique they use to insert political opinion without sourcing. Other methods used to keep the viewer’s attention are the graphics, music, democratic polling, banners on the bottom of the screen, and the American flag everywhere. In 1999, FOX created the “FOX Alert” which meant shocking news was to come such as celebrity gossip which it has been frequently used for. How unnecessary.

The “experts” invited to appear on FOX are all under contract and paid a wage depending on the quality of their performance. According to the documentary, there are more well known republicans on the station than democrats. Many times the liberals are foe liberals, those who agree with the right; Fair and balanced indeed.

The purpose of FOX is to generate fear in the viewers in order to have them side with conservatives. Fear is also struck into the hearts of their employees. The “journalists” are encouraged to humiliate certain people and are rewarded for portraying liberals as the enemy. However, the journalists who go against Murdoch’s agenda are penalized often by suspension. A hostile environment of fear is created for the employee as their every move is monitored.

The greatest FOX mishap has to be the announcement made by the FOX news election system analysts, John Ellis, of the 2001 Presidential winner. Too close to call didn’t stop Ellis from proclaiming his cousin, George W. Bush as the 43rd President. This gave the perception that Bush won, leading other news stations to follow in FOX’s mistake. Conflict of interest hasn’t seemed to restrict some reporters to cover certain stories during presidential elections. FOX has also mislead the country about the war in Iraq claiming it to be a success when the war has not come to an end in order to be determined successful or not. Where is the journalist integrity; Are there no limits?

Murdoch owns 175 newspapers and magazines, 40 television stations, record labels, politicians, airlines, 100 cable channels, 40 book imprints, 9 satellite television networks, and movie studios. There are 4.7 billion people viewing Murdoch enterprises. Does he control the world? You bet he does.

Since the capitalists own the media networks and press they have the final say over what stories are released and what is considered to be news. Not only do they decide the point of view of articles in order to induce a favorable side upon the people [the side that benefits the capitalists] but they can also decide which issues are ignored all together and are forbidden to be written about.

The beliefs citizens have about the world around them are all cultural norms set by the capitalists through media influence. Cultural norms of a society are designed to benefit these elitists only. They use their ownership over large corporations and media networks to spread these norms through television, radio, internet and print media. They understand that the media has a great influence on the lives of people and are therefore able to effectively get their message across and know that it is clearly received.

Readers and viewers should always be aware of the deception brought forth by the media. Pay close attention to what journalists, radio personalities and news anchors are really saying. A person can also completely misconstrued a story because of the play on words made by the journalist. Believe it or not but the media plays a great influence on the lives of society. They have molded the world into what it is today by playing with people’s emotions and psyche.

To watch the documentary go to http://zeitgeist-ny.com/media/outfoxed-rupert-murdochs-war-on-journalism/

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